
One of the most common conditions Dr. Wernick sees in the office is convergence insufficiency. Scientific studies show that the rate of convergence insufficiency in school-age children is between 2% and 13%, the most common statistic cited in these studies is around 5%.

Basically, it means your convergence, which is your working together to turn in when looking at something close up, isn't working the way we want it to or how your body needs it to.

What is a brock string and how is it used to treat convergence insufficiency?

The Brock string is one of the most basic treatment options. The eye doctor can send it to the patient at home or use it in the office to train convergence insufficiency. The way it works is that you will get a string from them and you will place the string at the tip of your nose along with some beads, and you will use one bead initially. You will move the bead out to a certain distance and the goal is to look at the bead. One of the most interesting aspects of this activity is that it analyzes whether you're using both eyes and whether both of your eyes are pointed at the bead. Oftentimes, our eyes do not point where we think they will point. We will be able to determine if our eyes are actually pointed at that point in space using the Brock string. So you will look at the green bead and you will see an X going in and coming out of it.

Moving the bead closer to train your eyes to have better convergence

The next step for someone who needs to train convergence is to move the bead closer and to get the same pattern. You can train your convergence system by working that bead closer and closer so that you know if both eyes are on and working properly. Also, you can alter the conditions to improve your convergence.

Can you treat convergence insufficiency at home?

Training the visual system is complex, and all treatment should be done under the guidance of a functional or developmental optometrist. Many times treatment will take place in an office or on zoom under the guidance of a vision therapist with homework done at home on a daily basis.

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