What is The Importance of Comprehensive School Vision Screenings?

School vision screenings are an essential part of your child's annual healthcare routine. Even though it’s diagnostic in nature it will give us an idea about how their eyes are developing. These annually performed school screenings are your child’s first line of defense when it comes to visual malfunction and diagnosing it.
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School wants to do screenings
The school sends us parents email
We send email to get them to sign consent form
Parents sign consent form
Parents get confirmation number by email
Screening takes place
school screening form
Student is given a card with link to the report (generic) and their confirmation number (sticker or handwritten)
After the screening is complete, the parent can check the results of the report by going here (the website on the postcard) (only if they chose the email delivery option on the consent form) They enter that tracking number and their email (must match the email they registered with) and receive an email with an attached pdf file with their results.
They are either emailed or sent my mail the following report

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

Just like all other healthcare fields, there are standards of care. In regards to school screenings there is a minimum of testing criteria that's checked for. Standard screenings are typically aimed towards understanding one thing, can the child see clearly? Distance visual acuity cards are used to test this. If the child can see clearly they pass and if not then we might suspect a visit to the Optometrist is in order. Also, a color blindness test might be incorporated. As we discussed in earlier topics, visual acuity is only half the battle. With only a few things tested for there’s a disconnect between what might actually be there and the information we are receiving. This only lends itself to a child remaining undiagnosed and untreated.
Where there might be a gap in standard screenings, comprehensive screenings are the solution. What sets comprehensive screenings apart for the standard are a myriad of diagnostic tests. Each one is selected to detect any abnormalities or deficiencies in the child’s visual system. Without giving an exhaustive breakdown some things checked for are: acuities, depth perception, color perception, eye health, eye movements, etc. With more tools at your provider's disposal we can more readily determine and affect necessary treatment before a visual issue develops into something more. A child in need can’t always articulate dysfunction with their eyes so by use of these tests we can test past the bounds of just issues with acuity.
At Amplify EyeCare we incorporate a plethora of testing that's specifically structured to zero in on an otherwise elusive binocular disorder. Our developmental vision screening process is designed to evaluate and catch anything that would be missed by a standard screening. Our program is fully mobilized and able to be set up at schools or other on-site locations. Our screenings are comprised of multiple test such as: Visual acuities test to see if they can see clearly at distance and near points, an EOM test that checks the strength of the eye muscles, NSUOCO which will test for eye movements, Pupi Light reactivity test to make sure pupils dilate and constrict appropriately, Color Vision plates to check for colorblindness, Stereo test to check depth perception, Cover test to check the alignment of eyes, NPC near point test to check near point fusion abilities, Binocular ranges to check eye's abilities at distance and near points, Phoria test to check eyes natural position, Worth 4 Dot to check if both eyes are on and receiving data and neither are suppressing information, Retinoscopy to check the refractive error, Bruckner test to check if they have myopia or hyperopia, specifically for children, and ocular health for a general visual examination of eye health. All of these procedures are done to insure the optimal level of information is gathered which will assist us in identifying and treating those with visual disorders.
Accurately assessing our children's healthcare needs is a fundamental part of life. Being able to give them the care they need is at the core of comprehensive school screenings. Vision, being the primary avenue of sensory data, is at the top of list in terms of things we should be concerned with. A visual issue, either acuity based, binocular dysfunction or both, is something we never want to leave unaddressed. These problems tend to develop into more complicated issues over time which helps us further understand the significance of comprehensive vision screenings. It’s the best diagnostic tool we have in being able to deliver proper and quality care to those who need it.

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